VEGREEN's Sustainable story

Promise for Earthfor a sustainable future

small practice


# Vegreen's Sustainable Story

Were you aware that every minute, an area of 

forest equivalent to 27 soccer fields disappears?

In 2020 alone, the world lost a staggering 258,000 square kilometers of forest, 

surpassing the landmass of the United Kingdom.

To combat this alarming trend, more than 100 countries participating 

in the UN climate change convention pledged in 2021 to halt deforestation and embark on soil restoration 

efforts by 2030 through the 'forest/land use declaration.'

To prevent irreversible damage to our planet, 

we've taken action by utilizing Earth's resources responsibly. 

Our commitment includes opting for eco-friendly paper, 

contributing to the preservation of our precious ecosystems.

# Step by step

Exploring the Endless Potential of Sugarcane Pulp Substitutes.

No need to cut down trees, biodegradable through microorganisms,

and up to 5 times faster production cycle compared to conventional timber!

earth's pack is the ultimate environmentally friendly paper,

from raw material production to disposal!


Earth's Pact is the ultimate environmentally friendly paper, 

offering a sustainable solution without the need to cut down trees. 

Biodegradable through microorganisms, it features a production cycle up to 5 times faster than conventional timber.

While bleached paper may offer more attractive packaging, VEGREEN prioritizes the beauty of nature. 

That's why we've chosen Earth's Pact, continuing to explore sustainable methods 

for the well-being of our planet. 🌱


Approximately 4 billion trees are harvested annually for paper production. 

Earth's Pact is made from 100% sugarcane byproduct, 

reducing the strain on our forests.


Utilizing agricultural byproducts for recycling and 

natural decomposition through microorganisms when disposed of,

 Earth's Pact is an environmentally-friendly paper choice.

Rapid production cycle

Sugarcane, with a growth rate 7 times faster than timber trees, 

allows for multiple harvests per year, 

contributing to its regenerative and recyclable nature.

Unbleached, NO petrochemicals, NON-GMO

Earth's Pack offers an unbleached, natural feel and 

stands apart from plastic packaging 

by not containing petrochemical components.

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